Necklace 18 inches in 4-5 mm coco pukalet black, nasa shell white and buri tube 7-8 x 12 mm dyed violet. |
Necklace 16"in 4-5 whiteshell heishe, sig-id tube & whiterose dyed blue |
Necklace 16" in 4-5 whiteshell heishi, 2-3 coco beads red, orange & red orange w/ sig-id tube |
Necklace 18 inches in 2-3 mm coco beads red, fuchsia and dark red, 4-5 mm coco pukalet super bleach and nasa shell white. |
Native bag made of raffia black & coco ring nat. brown w/ whitewood bag handle dyed black (L15"xH8.5"xW4") |
Necklace 16" w/ 4-5 whiteclam heishi white & black |