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 JSH92E Necklace 16 inches in 7-8 mm white shell heishe fuchsia pink, 8 mm coco pukalet natural white and pink and 7-8 mm coco heishe magenta.
Item Code: JWN6230
Necklace 20" 3rows in 2-3mm wood heishe super bleach, 4-5mm wood pukalet gold, 12mm wood bead olivegreen, wood flat oval 25x30mm green 2tones, 30mm wood flat round dark brown, 25x8mm wood mentos dark brown & 25mm wood flat round brown
Price: $26.70
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necklace 4-5mm white shell w/ lilac & red in the center |
2-3mm heishe snow white & sig-id w/ 25mm heart blacklip shell |
Necklace in 1mm wax cord lt. brown, 4-5mm coco pukalet green, yellow & red, black buri tube 6-7x10mm & resin stone casting brown pendant |
Earrings in 30mm MOP w/ 17mm callar,40mm bayong ring |
Nacre Pillbox 68x49x35mm made of semi-precious wood with assorted seashells in fish design with blue back ground |
Coin Purse Fashion Jewelry , purely handcrafted and handmade from the finest shells |