Earings in 25mm blacklip round |
necklace 18" 2-3 red orange coco beads, cut bds orange, wood bds 14-15mm w/painting & pendant 70mm MOP dyed orange |
Endless necklace 36" in 7-8mm coco pukalet super bleach, whiteshell manol, marble sqaush, 20mm acrylic crystal, marble pyramid, wood oval super bleach, 18mm wood chunck, 25mm banana bark bead, 25mm wood crazy cut super bleach, 25mm bayong wood square |
Endless necklace 34" in 7-8mm coco pukalet super bleach, 15mm coco pukalet bleach white & nat. brown, 10mm pearlize beads lt. yellow, plastic flower brown, 18mm wood chunck, acrylic crystal beads, 8x25mm wood mentos brown, 20mm wood multi-face super |
Necklace 18" in 3mm rubber cord w/ hole black, 6mm silver coated pukalet, 4-5mm coco pukalet green 2tones, 6mm silver balls, matal barrel w/ loop antq. silver & capiz shell rounded rectanlge 32x52mm w/ camouflage green painting pendant |
Necklace 18 inches in 8 mm coco pukalet black and super bleach with 7-8 mm white shell heishe. |