Necklace 18" in 3mm rubber cord w/ hole black, 6mm silver coated pukalet, 4-5mm coco pukalet yellow, 6mm silver balls, metal barrel w/ loop antq. silver & surfboard pendant 19x54mm red w/ flower painting |
Necklace in 1mm wax cord black, 4-5mm coco pukalet black, limegreen, mango yellow & red & surfboard pendant 19x54mm w/ lizard painting |
16" 3 rows necklace, 2-3 coco heishi black & bleach white, bamboo tube w/ burnt & cut conus w/ cocroach pendant 26x50mm. |
Evening clutch bag in oval shape design w/ sides 26cm x 9.5cm x 6cm made of gold sheet w/ MOP shell brickly inlaid. |
Necklace 16" in whiterose blue & 8mm pearlize bead black |
Necklace 18 inches in mongo shell yellow and 10 mm coco disc center side drill orange. |