Necklace 18 inches in elastic thread, 4-5 mm coco pukalet super bleach, red, light blue, black and orange. |
3-4mm hieshe snow white & sig-id w/ 3mm glass beads orange & 50mm blacklip flower |
Bracelets 5 rows 7.5 inches in 3 mm glass beads clear rainbow white, 6 mm and 12 mm plastic pearlized beads white, sequences rainbow white and white rose. |
Bracelet (9 seeds) in black garter thread, lavender satin ribbon w/ lumbang seed lavender |
necklace in 2-3mm pukalet tiger & dyed black bamboo w/ 45mm heart blacklip w/ square stick on diamond |
Necklace 32" in yellow satin ribbon, cebucao seeds, w/ mongo shell yellow rings |